Friday, 1 July 2011


四月 2nd, 2010 by 曹仁超


许多基础分析投资者对近期各国央行滥发货币存有戒心,担心恶性通胀重临。这种心理,我老曹十分理解,但我老曹认为,这次刺激政策只会带来资产价格上 升(例 如商品、黄金、石油以至楼价),但不会引发恶性通胀,亦不会出现类似日式通缩,因为没有一个国家愿意将本国货币大幅升值200%(198594年日圆除外)。或者可以说,我们已重新进入滞胀期,类似196671年美国。短期而言,市场对主权债券违约的忧虑下降,私人银行将取代中央银行成为债券大买家。 中国政府为冷却GDP高速增长(10%或以上),进一步抽紧银根难免,令A股短期仍难大升,但目前已在蓄势中,各位可利用这段日子吸纳更多国企、红筹及内房股。我们正进入低通胀、低GDP增长的时代,只有个别股份能有出色表现,其余皆进入牛皮市。发达容易,揾食艰难日子重临也!


Follow the market, and keep a close eye on your stocks。上述投资法正取代价值投资法。葛拉罕的著作Security Analysis1934年出版,至今已卖出超过一百万册。另一本较浅显的The Intelligent Investor1949年出版,而毕非德在1950年毕业,那段日子大部分美股仍十分便宜。不过,踏入2000年,过去十年内有五年平均P/E超过四十倍,在如此高P/E环境下再用价值投资法,成绩难以理想(过去十年道指并没有多少升幅)。2010年起美国在如此高负债下,前景令人担心。1960年代 美国每增加1美元新贷款,可令GDP增加1美元;但到2009年,每增加1美元新贷款,对GDP已无甚影响。美国到了负债饱和点(debt saturation),即美国政府已不能透过增加负债去刺激GDP增长,情况同1990年起的日本相似。过去一百年,美国楼价大部分日子升幅只是略高于通胀,只有19962006年楼价才狂升,然后泡沫爆破。

如参考德国例子,楼价上升并非必然。从1977年至今,德国房价平均只上升60%,同期人均收入上升三倍,即德国房价平均每年只上涨1%。200607 年我老曹出售在英国的住房投资,曾经打算投资德国柏林,2006年起便收集及研究该国资料:一、德国每年有二十五万套新公寓完工,是拥有最详尽建屋规划的国家之一。二、德国实行先存后贷合同储蓄计划,即买楼者先存入楼价50%才获贷款,固定利率年期平均十一年半,即如你决定买楼,可以先行存款,直到存款相当于楼价50%便可买楼;存款是固定利率,贷款亦是固定利率,没有变化。三、只有42%家庭拥有自住物业,其余58%租楼(年轻人77%租楼),由于供应充足,楼价平均每年只升1%,置业只作为自住,不能博资产升值。四、可以自建房合作建房,即一批人加起来向政府买地自行兴建,完成后 ,又或一幢大厦业主合作将它重建然后分楼。地产商所订楼价如超出合理房价20便构成违法行为,可告上法庭,不但罚款,而且负刑事责任。五、物业交易政府抽1%到1.5%不动产税、3.5%交易税;如有利润抽15%盈利税,租金收入抽25%利得税,房屋管理、维修费用由业主负责。



2006年美国住房高潮至今,楼价已回落约30%。2007年下半年政府透过大幅减息制造虚假需求,去年3月更透过资金泛滥去支持楼价。虽然如此, 仍有五 百万间房屋被接管,而且有25%业主资不抵债,未来三至五年将再有五百万间房屋被接管。上述情况大大影响经济复苏速度,因为没有楼价支持的经济复苏并不长久。最近三个月,美国新屋及二手楼的销情又再慢下来,担心去年美国楼价回升的需求主要来自政府提供8000美元税务优惠,一旦停止,楼市回复死气沉沉。至于联储局购入按揭证券至今年3月底结束,估计41日后,楼按利率将上调。

政府鼓励市民置业是否良策?这在国际间已引起争论。过去日本政府一直鼓励置业,1990年超过70%日本家庭拥有自住物业,但过去二十年日本楼价下跌 70%,令日本人消费下降、企业投资减少。19978月香港小业主人数超过一百万,当楼价自19978月急跌至20037月,这一百万小业主亦怯于消费,令香港经济出现不景气。直至20037月中央政府批准内地人来港自由行消费,而且20039月特区政府推出孙九招,用勾地表代替定期拍卖土 地,加上美股自200210月起上升、美元利率下降到只有1厘等因素加起来,本港楼价才止跌回升,至今升幅130%左右(豪宅升幅更达200%)。




回顾1971年起美元同黄金脱钩后,七十年代危机是因为恶性通胀,引致1981年美元利率曾狂升至22厘;其后所有危机都同资产膨胀有关,而非同通货膨胀 CPI大幅上升)有关。回看日本八十年代至今经济盛衰的成因:一、过分依赖出口市场去消化本身的过剩生产力;二、出口赚回来的钱变成储蓄而产生大量资 金,产生货币升值预期,吸引外资流入,推动本国资产价格上升而产生泡沫;三、泡沫爆破令人民消费下降,企业投资减少而引发衰退。

金管局新任总裁陈德霖在去年12月举办之香港经济峰会2010’中指出,近代社会最大风险不再是通胀,而是资产膨胀,例如1997年、2000 年、 2007年危机的产生,都同资产膨胀有关。1985年至1990年日本的情况告诉大家──货币升值与加息并不能阻止资产膨胀出现,抽紧银根则有点用,例如去年8月人行已开始抽紧银根,去年11月开始本港金管局亦从市场抽走资金,而美国今年41日开始加入。

任何事物都有循环周期,CPI亦不例外。1994年起日本是OECD中最先进入CPI稳定或回落期的国家,但2010年日本物价反较1994年那年低。 2008年起,美国同欧洲亦进入CPI稳定期,战后长达六十多年的西方国家CPI大升期结束,理由是大量银行倒闭,债券出现无法履行合约,例如通用汽车、 房利美、房贷美及不少大企业皆无法清还负债,令过千亿计美元资产突然消失。去年美国家庭负债较08年下跌1.7%,是1945年以来首次。去年第四季美国人储蓄率4%,估计将进一步上升。美国是否步入通缩期?


过去一百年是美国领导整个工业化国家的时代,最先是创新科技,1966年起是排山倒海的信贷扩张、美元泛滥全球,直到2007年次按危机爆发。 2009 再一次美元泛滥,但这一次只能刺激全球股市上升。看来,美国领导全球工业国的地位已出现动摇,过去英、美两国消耗全球70%储蓄的时代亦开始结束。

如果你在1950年前后出生,恭喜你成为战后最受惠一代(尤其在香港生活,既没有战乱,亦没有天灾)。如果你在1970年前后出生,叫做‘X’ 代,你有 愉快童年及接受高深教育的机会,但到社会做事却灾难处处,包括1997年亚洲金融风暴、2000年科网股泡沫爆破、2007年次按危机。如果你在1990年前后出生,则面对香港人口老化问题及1950年前后出生一代步入退休期,愈来愈多港人超过六十五岁,香港高薪职位愈来愈少(2010年全港只有九万个年薪100万元或以上的职位),90年前后出生的你恐怕将成为迷失世代。而1950年前后出生者,则正在研究退休后如何保护自己的财富。

沃尔玛前主席Sam Walton的成功,是找出如何将美国消费者由市区引向郊区;到今天,美国人已习惯到近郊的沃尔玛大包小包购物。1980年(当时沃尔玛已上市十年)如你投资1万美元在沃尔玛,三十年后今天市值高达350万美元,平均每年上升22%,理由是Sam Walton看到美国人消费习惯改变。同样情况,在1980年如你投资1万美元在Nike,今天市值100万美元。还有星巴克、FedExUPS eBayGoogle……


连美国如此成熟的经济,发达机会仍然如此多,年轻的香港人怎么认为香港未来没有机会?只要找出一种新的处事方法,你便可能发展出中国的沃尔玛;找出 一种新的生活态度,你可能发展出中国的星巴克;又或者带来新的事业,例如中国的联邦快递、UPSeBayGoogle。顾客永远是皇帝,最重要是如何能更好地服务他们。例如Apple推出手机,令该股股价五年内上升435%。如你20027月投资Marvel,该公司日后竟能将漫画变成大电影,包括 SpidermanX-MenIron Man,而投资5万美元在其身上,日后被迪士尼收购,将可收回81.4万美元,上升十五点三倍!今天的投资策略便是买入这类高增长股,然后睇住它日渐长大(万一事与愿违,便止蚀离场)!而不是买过气明星股。投资是买未来,不是买过去。名气愈大的股份,愈没有投资价值。

2009年美国统计数字,拥有财富超过10亿美元或以上的家庭,去年财产总值升54%;至于财富少于100万美元的家庭,去年财产总值只升5.8%。因拥有10亿美元或以上者主力投资股票,而财产不足100万美元者主力仍在自住物业,但去年美国住宅楼价续跌。资本主义制度虽令GDP增长率较社会主义快, 但最大受惠者一定是富人而非普通人。发达容易、揾食艰难。如果1986313日微软上市时(当时每股21美元)买入一千股(21000美元),经过六次拆细,今天已拥有1400万美元财富,升值七百四十六倍;如在思科上市时投资10000美元,今天值992万美元;如在20045月投资,至今升值802%;如在20033月投资Quality Systems,至今升值1185%;20026月投资Marvel,至今升值1388%,还有AppleeBay、腾讯、比亚迪……

1967年出社会做事开始,过去四十多年我老曹错过的发达机会较掌握到的更多。例如金价由35美元升至850美元、楼价由67元一呎升到12000元一 呎、恒生指数由100点(因19701月才有恒指)升上32000点;1999年油价由10美元一桶升上147美元……东莞地皮由1995年的3万元人民币一亩,升到今天300万元人民币一亩!在正确时刻正确地点做正确的事(Do the right thing, at the right place, in the right time!),便可发达!200710月亦有人透过抛空美国金融股,到2008年底在一年内赚进几十亿美元。换言之,任何时刻都有发达机会。今时今日一个大学生欲找一份月入12000元的工却十分困难,今天如此,十年前亦如此。四十多年前我老曹刚离开学校时,作为一位英文中学毕业生,欲找一份300元月薪的工,一样十分困难。


197099年,在六十七个国家中发生80%公民与政府冲击中,有60%示威人口都是三十岁或以下。上述数字证明不是‘80有问题,而是 ‘30岁前有问题,即三十岁或以下的年轻人,无论在过去或现在、在什么国家,都是对社会现状不满的主力。‘50前后一代在七十年代那时,何尝不是走上街头要求中文合法化、反贪污捉葛柏、支持元州仔渔民上岸、反对政府发展沙田新市镇……七十年代示威抗议的年轻一代,今天已成为香港建制派的中坚分子,反过来指摘‘80’?!这情况有如婆媳问题,做家婆的经常对儿子的老婆挑挑剔剔,做媳妇的亦对家婆看不顺眼;直到媳妇自己做了家婆后,又会对自己儿子的老婆同样挑剔。七十年代我们是青年,曾对社会现状不满而示威抗议。今天我们成为建制派的一分子,面对青年人对今天社会现状不满而示威,为何不同情他们,反而指摘他们?今天我们都做了别人的家婆,为何挑剔自己的媳妇?难道我们忘记了自己做人媳妇甚艰难的日子?

全球只有2%人口懂得如何建立财富,其余98%人口皆不擅理财,形成整个社会气氛对有钱人存有敌意。例如富人被政府抽最多的税,却成为政客经常攻击 的目标,连平民亦憎人富贵;经济下沉时,损失最大的亦是富人,但社会反认为富人应负担更多更多。财富招人妒,因此财不可露眼。千万不可夸富,保持低调乃最佳策略。财富累积慢如蜗牛,失去易如反掌。

Singapore Exchange (DBSVickers)

BUY S$7.41 STI : 3,079.74
Price Target : 12-Month S$ 9.50 (Prev S$ 10.50)
Reason for Report : Cut in earnings and TP
Potential Catalyst: Improving trading volume, better derivatives revenue, realisation of initiatives from strategies to enhance velocity

Softer trends
• Lacklustre trading volumes and values dampen nearterm earnings; FY11-13F trimmed 15-17%
• Remains a key location for international listings
• Valuations below 5-year historical mean. Maintain Buy but TP lowered to S$9.50

Soft trading volumes and values. Trading volumes and values in the securities market have softened. Average daily trading volume and value stands at 1.56bn and S$1.62bn respectively. Derivatives revenues are likely to be soft. Although derivatives trading volumes have remained relatively robust, the weak US$ (to S$) is expected to cap upside. We have subsequently lowered our average daily volume and value assumption by 5% across FYJun11-13. Coupled with soft derivatives and other revenues, we trimmed earnings by 15-17% over the same period. Apr-Jun-11 (4QFYJun11) average trading volumes and values dipped to 1.21bn and S$1.43bn vs 1.58bn and S$1.71bn in 3QFYJun11 respectively. SGX is due to release its 4QFYJun11/FYJun11 results early August. We estimate a final DPS of 15 S cts (of which 4S cts is a base DPS) would be declared bringing full year DPS to 27S cts (90% payout).

SGX remains a key location for international listings. As part of its Asian Gateway Strategy, SGX will continue on its aggressive expansion of OTC financials (derivatives), including more stocks in its ADR platform, revenue expansion with its colocation services and expansion in its retail bonds platform. SGX’s securities market will trade continuously from 1 Aug 2011 enabling market hours to overlap more with other Asian exchanges. All these initiatives should help to ensure that SGX remains an attractive location within Asia as an international hub for one-stop service for both equities and derivatives as well as help to support sustainable revenue flow and avenues to enhance turnover velocity for SGX in the medium term.

Maintain Buy with TP lowered to S$9.50. SGX is trading at 21x FY11 and only 18x FY12 EPS, below its 5-year historical mean, vs. regional peers at 27x FY11 and 23x FY12 EPS. Our TP is based on the Dividend Discount Model assuming 90% dividend payout, 8% growth and cost of equity of 11.6%, which implies 27x target PE. We have rolled over our valuation base to FY12 EPS of S$0.35.

Singapore Banks (DBSVickers)

May-11: Stunning loan growth momentum; business loans driven

Loans grew at its strongest rate in May-11 at 3.5% mo-m, 8.7% q-o-q and 24.2% y-o-y. Business loans expanded 4.3% m-o-m, 12.2% q-o-q and 27.5% y-oy, the highest growth rates achieved since end-2008; clear cycle of business loan growth from capacity expansion.

YTD loan growth stood at 12.6%, driven by business loans (+17.5% YTD). Consumer loans chugged along by 7% YTD while housing loans grew by 6.5%. Although gradually moderating, we believe that there is still sufficient mortgage loan draw downs to ensure mortgage loans remain fairly strong for at least another next 4-6 quarters although we believe the momentum achieved in 2010 would not be repeated (mortgage loan growth in 2010 was 23%).

Deposits grew strongly by 13% y-o-y but only at 0.5% m-o-m, still driven by current and savings deposits, which collectively comprise 58% of total deposit base.

Loan-to-deposit ratio further inched up to 79%. While on the higher end of historical trends, we view that liquidity remains ample and banks will continue to strive for deposit growth.

Loans growth remains the variable for earnings surprise for the Singapore banks. Based on our estimates, every 1% increase in loans growth (holding other variables constant), earnings could increase by 2-3%. There is a significant upside to our loan growth assumption for 2011, which is currently at 13%.

We reiterate our positive stance for the Singapore banks and it remains our top picks among our ASEAN banks coverage. Maintain Buys on OCBC (TP S$11.30) and UOB (TP S$21.70).

Viking Offshore & Marine: Restructuring underway (OCBC)

Sale of United Envirotech Limited shares. Viking Offshore & Marine (VOM) announced the disposal of 32m shares in United Envirotech Limited (UEL), through a series of married deals and also on the SGX open market, reducing its stake to 4.48% from 11.19% previously. This move is not surprising as the management has always reiterated its intention to dispose of its non-core assets.

Estimate Realized Gain of $5.8m. The UEL shares, which were booked as available-for-sale assets, were purchased in June 2008, at an average price of $0.21 per share. The investment was impaired when the market price of the shares fell to $0.12 per share as at 31 Dec 2008. Subsequent appreciation in the market prices of UEL shares were credited to a revaluation reserve in the balance sheet. With average selling prices for the married deals and open market trades at $0.30 and $0.33 respectively, disposal of UEL shares would realize gains of about $0.18 per share. This translates to approximately $5.8m of realized gains. Sales proceeds totaled about $9.66m in cash, and will be utilized towards the repayment of loans and payables. We believe this would improve VOM's cash flows in the near term.

Restructuring process underway. Since its purchase of Viking Airtech Pte Ltd in late 2009, VOM has sought to transform itself from a consumer products company into an O&M player. To date, the company has disposed off a number of non-core investments such Tung Lok Restaurants Limited and UEL shares. VOM has also made several acquisitions of companies in the O&M space as it seeks to become an integrated solutions provider to shipyards and vessel operators. Recall that the VOM's strategy comprises of three key stages: (1) invest in complementary businesses, (2) integrate the different businesses to extract add-on values, and (3) internationalize its operations. We believe the company is currently executing second stage of its strategy.

Experienced management. In our view, execution of the company's strategy is aided by the fact that it is helmed by a very experienced management team. VOM Chairman Mr Andy Lim is a seasoned dealmaker, and is also the founder and Chairman of private equity firm, Tembusu Partners. CEO Mr Ong Choo Guan has over 30 years of management experience in the O&M industry.

Rating under Review. However, due to a change in analyst coverage, we are still in the process of revising our estimates; hence, we are putting our Buy rating and S$0.31 fair value estimate under review. (Chia Jiunyang)

Singapore Post: Expanding data printing business (OCBC)

Ups stake in Efficient E-Solutions. Singapore Post (SingPost) announced recently that it has acquired 35m shares in Efficient E-Solutions Bhd (Efficient) for RM8.05m through a wholly-owned subsidiary, thus increasing its stake in Efficient to 20.12%. The seller of the approximately 4.94% stake was Beaufort International Equities, and the acquisition was made by way of a block trade through Bursa Malaysia at a cost of RM0.23/share, close to the weighted average price of RM0.22 on the market closing day before the transaction but higher than the company's NTA/share of RM0.15 as at 31 Mar 2011.

Fits into plan to expand data printing operations. Efficient is a Malaysian-listed company, and mainly provides integrated business process outsourcing solutions in data and document processing. This covers data extraction, conversion, formatting of documents, data printing and preparation of printed documents for distribution. The company also offers electronic bill presentment services, and it has over 2,500 employees in eight different locations throughout Malaysia. This investment fits into SingPost's plan to expand its data printing business in the region where it already has a presence via DataPost (recall that the group just completed the acquisition of DataPost in May). As mentioned in our earlier report (2 Jun 2011), outsourcing of such non-core functions in companies such as financial institutions, government organizations, utilities and telcos has grown over the years, and SingPost also sees good potential for growth in this business.

Keen to grow in Indonesia as well. This development comes closely after a private placement in mid Jun in which SingPost acquired 50m Efficient shares at RM0.195/share. SingPost and Efficient had also earlier entered into an MOU in which both companies will jointly invest in setting up data and document management operations in Indonesia, besides identifying other business opportunities, reflecting SingPost's desire to grow its data printing business in the region. Currently 11.5% of SingPost's revenue comes from overseas countries, and we see room for this figure to grow. Meanwhile, logistics now accounts for 30.5% of total revenue.

Maintain HOLD. We continue to like SingPost for its stable operating cash flows, prudent management, and decent forecasted dividend yield of 5.4%. But due to the limited upside potential, we maintain our HOLD rating and DCF-based fair value of S$1.21; potential catalyst could come from more news on the M&A front. (Low Pei Han)

ELEC & ELTEK (Lim&Tan)


􀁺 Elec’s dual listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange via way of introduction (without new shares being issued) is expected to start trading on 8 July 2011 (next Friday).

􀁺 Since the company’s initial announcement of their dual listing plan in mid March’2011, the stock has surged from $3.27 then to a recent high of $4 in late May 2011, before retracing to $3.8 currently. That’s a 16-18% gain.

􀁺 While significant, its nevertheless in-line with gains seen in companies that also listed by way of introduction on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange such as China XLX, Sound Global and China Animal Healthcare.

􀁺 While history may not repeat itself, one cannot help but be cautious given that all 3 candidates have since given up even more of their gains before their initial announcement of plans to do their dual listings, with China XLX currently down 56% from its first day trading debut in Hong Kong, Sound Global down 24% and China Animal Healthcare down 30%.

􀁺 The different quantum of declines may have to do with each companies’ fundamental performances thereafter, but there is one common negative amongst dual listing candidates via way of introduction.

􀁺 And this has to do with a one-off charge necessary to be charged-off in their next quarterly reporting period for expenses incurred for their dual listings such as lawyers fees, underwriter fees, other professional and miscellaneous fees.

􀁺 In Elec’s case, management has estimated this to be about $5mln.

􀁺 While its one-off in nature, its nevertheless a significant 32% of last quarter’s profit and its real cash outflow.

􀁺 And Elec’s 1Q 2011 profit has already started to decline by 12% yoy and qoq, its first yoy and qoq decline since the end of the global financial crisis in mid-2009. Indications from its peers and customers suggest that business outlook is getting a little more uncertain with demand conditions showing early signs of weakness.

􀁺 At 8-9x PE, Elec’s valuation is about in line with its peers listed in Hong Kong and if history is a guide, investors would be better off cashing in when the market provides a last push next week ahead of its dual listing in Hong Kong.

􀁺 If the stock were to again retest its all time high of $4 reached in late May 2011, it would be an opportune time for investors to cash in given that the most bullish supporter of the company has a fair value around that level.

􀁺 Our last call was Neutral on the stock in March 2011.



􀁺 The proposed 11-for-20 rights issue at 39 cents each should be welcomed by investors, even though there could be some disappointment it is not to be privatized :
a. it removes a major overhang which has been bothering investors since the downgrade warning by S&P last November;

b. without this capital raising, CitySpring would be in no position to maintain its distribution, which has been kept at 4.2 cents a unit (or 3.28 cents on pro-forma basis);

c. management has given an undertaking there will not be need to raise further equity down the road (except in the event of CitySpring making yield accretive acquisitions);

d. Temasek, which owns 27.8%, has undertaken to take up to 85% of the new units, with the
remaining 15% to be underwritten by DBS, Goldman Sachs.;

e. the $204.8 mln net proceeds will be used to reduce high-cost borrowings; and perhaps more importantly,

f. it better places CitySpring to “pursue organic and inorganic acquisitions and investment opportunities”.

􀁺 The subscription price represents a 19% discount to the theoretical ex-rights price of 48.35 cents (53.5x20+39x11/31).

􀁺 Temasek has obtained whitewash waiver in the event it ends up having to take up 85% of the rights units, which would raise its stake to 48.1%, and which would have triggered a mandatory general offer.

􀁺 We are maintaining BUY on 6.8% pro-forma yield now that major uncertainties have been removed.

Macquarie International Infrastructure Fund (KimEng)

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Background: Macquarie International Infrastructure Fund (MIIF) is a mainboard-listed mutual fund company that invests in diverse infrastructure businesses in Asia. It owns substantial or majority stakes in Taiwan Broadband Communications (TBC), Hua Nan Expressway, Changshu Xinhua Port and Miaoli Wind.

Recent developments: The lack of acquisition targets prompted MIIF to embark on a series of initiatives in March this year to drive shareholder value. This included the deleveraging of TBC, purchase of additional interest in TBC and buyback of MIIF shares. MIIF announced changes to the board two days ago. The new director and chairman is someone from within the company. We do not expect any major change to the direction of the company.

Key ratios…
Price-to-earnings: 24.6x
Price-to-NTA: 0.7x
Dividend per share / yield: $0.03 / 5.3%
Net cash/(debt) per share: ($0.72)
Net cash as % of market cap: na

Share price S$0.57
Issued shares (m) 1289.2
Market cap (S$m) 734.8
Free float (%) 81%
Recent fundraising IPO: May 2005 (IPO price – $1.00)
Financial YE 31 December
Major shareholders Abu Dhabi Invt Agency – 9.6%, Macquarie – 9.3%
YTD change -3.4%
52-wk price range S$0.485-0.625

Our view:
Income growth via interest cost savings. MIIF subscribed for shares and other instruments issued by Cable TV S.A., the holding company of TBC, for S$143m. Consequently, its economic interest in TBC increased from 40% to 47.5%. The subscription proceeds are used to pare down TBC’s debt and the resultant interest cost savings will benefit MIIF.

Attractive dividend yield. In view of the stronger performance at TBC, MIIF guided for a dividend per share of 2.75 cents for 1H11, which will be paid in September. According to former Chairman John Stuart, the payout is sustainable. Assuming the same level of dividends for 2H11, the yield for the full year could be 9.6%.

Deep discount to book. MIIF has a relatively low gearing of 47% and is still trading at a 30% discount to NAV. It has a cash balance of $138m as of June 2011 after raising its interest in TBC and buying back shares in the open market.