Wednesday, 31 August 2011



􀁺 It is as expected by many that the LTA has awarded SBS Transit the licence to operate the 42km Downtown Line, for 15-20 years, instead of 30-40 years as is the case for all 3 existing lines (North-South / East West Lines operated by SMRT and the North East Line by SBS.)

􀁺 SBS will pay Licence Charge of $1.6 bln over a 19-year period, from 2013 when Stage 1 will commence (with 6 stations) to Stage 3 (16 stations) in 2017, by when daily ridership is projected to hit 700,000. (Stage 2 will open in 2015 with 12 stations.)

􀁺 Given the downgrading of SMRT because of the associated costs since the commencement of the first phase of Circle Line in May ’09, it is premature for Comfort Delgro / SBS to celebrate the win:

a. like the Circle Line, Downtown Line is a mediumcapacity system, with each train caving 3
carriages, instead of 6 for the older lines, ie SBS will have to run more frequencies;

b. as SBS’ CEO right puts it: now, the real work begins.

􀁺 There is therefore “even more” justification for maintaining our preference for SMRT (up 1 cents to $1.77 on Monday), now that SBS will be running the Downtown Line

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