Wednesday, 24 August 2011



􀁺 Asia Environment (a waste water treatment company) is the latest S-Chip to be privatized by its founders and major shareholders the Wang brothers (Wang CL is the Chairman while his brother Wang HC is the CEO).

􀁺 The voluntary conditional offer being made will allow minority shareholders to either receive 30 cents cash a share or 1 new share in the offeror (a private company) for every existing share held.

􀁺 The 30 cents cash offer values the company at S$155.24mln or 33.3% premium over its last traded price, 21-35% premium over its average price in the last 12 months and 27.7% premium over its IPO price of 23.5 cents in early 2005.

􀁺 As the company had made a loss of Rmb29mln in the last 12 months, there is no meaningful trailing PE. Based on its shareholders equity of S$175.2mln, the privatization offer values it at about 0.9x and price to sales is 1.9x.

􀁺 The founders and major shareholders together with Mr Yao, Atorka, Furui and Goka control 52.79% of the company and have given irrevocable undertakings to vote in favor of the offer and also to receive the share consideration in the private company.

􀁺 The offer is conditional on more than 50% acceptances by the close of the offer.

􀁺 While the company is allowing minority shareholders the chance to participate together with them in potentially obtaining a better valuation in another stock exchange, we believe the premium offered by their cash offer is also reasonable when compared with other S-Chip privatization offers (where the average premium to the last traded price is about 20%).

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