Saturday, 15 December 2007

关于新加坡的 CPF

当了新加坡的PR已经快半年了,重来没有好好的研究它,直到最近,上了它的官方网站:, 对它进行了小小的了解,在这和大家分享。

首先, 我们每个月的Contribution, 将会分别存进以下3个不同用处的户头:

#Ordinary Account - The savings can be used to buy a home, pay for CPF insurance, investment and education.
#Special Account - The savings in this account are for your old age.
#Medisave Account - The savings can be used for hospitalisation expenses and approved medical insurance.

然后,欲了解员工与老板个别的Contribution Rate 及 Allocation, 请参考以下连接 (直接给连接是因为Contribution Rate 及 Allocation 蛮复杂的, 以免说错,便直接给连接):

然后呢,当我们开始给CPF, 基本上我们就会买2个保险(除非你opt-out), 一个是DPS(用Ordinary Account里的钱来给), 另一个是Medishield(用Medisave Account里的钱来给).

What is DPS?

DPS is an optional term insurance which covers CPF members for a maximum sum assured of $46,000 up to age 60. The coverage is worldwide. The DPS benefit will be paid out if the insured member passes away or becomes permanently incapacitated such that he or she can no longer work.

How much do I need to pay to be covered under DPS? How do I pay my premiums?

The premium payable depends on your age at your last birthday. Premiums can be paid from your CPF Ordinary and/or Special Account(s). The yearly premiums, based on age and regardless of gender, are as follows:

(Last Birthday)


34 years and below

$ 36

35-39 years

$ 48

40-44 years

$ 84

45-49 years


50-54 years


55-59 years


The coverage will continue as long as there is sufficient money in your CPF Ordinary and/or Special Account(s) for the deduction of the yearly premium. If you do not have sufficient CPF money to pay the yearly premium, you may pay cash to your insurer.

至于Medishield, 由于也是蛮复杂的Scheme,请参考以下的连接:

如果你觉得Medishield的保障不够好, 你还可以用Medisave Account里的钱来买"Medisave–approved private integrated plan", 这也是现在我在尝试了解的, 一个保险已经头大, 现在还要在5个保险公司中选出最适合自己的配套,看来的花上一段时间.

关于"Medisave–approved private integrated plan", 请参考:

老实说, 觉得新加坡人蛮幸福的, 好多的东西政府已帮他们铺好路, 未雨绸缪. 当然,这也只是我个人的看法,因为某些东西对新加坡人来说, 已经是理所当然, 近而要求更多. 可是, 有要求也不是坏事, 因为有要求还会有进步.

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